[] – classifications related to METHOD

[] – classifications related to CONTENT

Classifications from Notes on Conceptualism:

  • Hypertextual – “Impure conceptualism, manifest in the extreme by the baroque, exaggerates reading in the traditional textual sense. In this sense, it’s excessive textual properties refuse, and are defeated by, the easy consumption/generation of text …” (P. 27)
  • Pure conceptualism – “Pure conceptualism negates the need for reading in the traditional textual sense – one does not need to “read” the work as much as think about the idea of the work” (P. 27)
  • Word as visual image – “The allegorical nature of conceptual writing is further complicated … given that in much allegorical writing, the written word tends toward visual images, creating written images or objects, while in some highly mimetic (i.e. highly replicative) conceptual writings, the written word is the visual image.” (P. 19)
  • Materials of culture industry – “Allegorical writing (particularly in the form of appropriated conceptual writing) does not aim to critique the culture industry from afar, but to mirror it directly. To do so, it uses the materials of the culture industry directly. The critique is in the reframing.” (P. 22)
  • Elevate banal vs Level elevated – “Note the allegorical difference between appropriation techniques that elevate the banal – such as Richard Prince’s appropriation of Marlboro ads … – and works that level the elevated, such as Sherrie Levine’s re-photographing of Walker Evans’ photos.” (P. 30)
  • Author as first interpreter – “… conceptual writing that needs a narrative frame … elevates the role of artist-author as first interpreter. Writing scripture is an excellent way to make a church.” (P. 35)
  • Sobject – “Note that in a post-Cartesian world, there is no splitting the baby: minds are bodies, bodies minds. … The Sobject is the properly melancholic contemporary entity. The Sobject ” (P. 40)
  • Open conceptual writing – “does not limit its possible readings” (P. 38)
  • Closed conceptual writing – “attempts to limit its possible readings through some overt articulation or inscription.” (P. 38)

Other classifications:

  • Algorithmic – The work is created using an algorithm or mimesis.
  • Boring creation – Creating the work was boring, either stated by the author or what we imagine the creation process to be like. Related to algorithmic or mimetic works.
  • Boring consumption – Consuming the work is boring. In this tag, we mean consuming in terms of reading the work, rather than thinking through the idea of the work.
  • Consuming and creating are similar or dissimilar – An example of dissimilarity would be a work where consuming it consists of thinking through an idea, but creating it consists of hours of monotonous labour.
  • One word summary – The work can be summarized in one word [defined as a marker of conceptual artworks by …]
  • Readymade – The work can be thought of as a readymade object. Closely related to reframing the object, rather than creating a new object.
  • Text is about nothing – The content of the text is about nothing.
  • Text about information – The content of the text is about information.
  • Reframing existing works – The text appropriates text from another source
  • Interval – The work examines spacing, interval